Wednesday, October 23, 2019

October 23, 2019 | Posted in by Daiki | No comments

Vupoint Solutions Magic Wand Portable Scanner with Color LCD Display and Auto-Feed Dock (PDSDK-ST470-VP)

Vupoint Solutions Magic Wand Portable Scanner with Color LCD Display and Auto-Feed Dock (PDSDK-ST470-VP)

I don't often write reviews - but I do depend on them to make decisions when making purchases on Amazon. I got this scanner to scan the thousands of photos that my Mom had in albums and we wanted to digitize them so everyone in the family could have a copy. I wanted high resolution scans - and I tried for a little while with the flatbed scanner I have (part of my multi-function printer) - this was very labor intensive and time-consuming. First the scan itself was slow at that resolution and then I had to bring each scan into Photoshop to cut each photo and make it a separate file. I thought there had to be a better way - and I have been thrilled with this scanner. I got 2000 photos scanned in one day (just watching football while I scanned.) I did a few and checked the quality after doing a few - and I felt that they were coming out a little dark. So I ran the calibration (which isn't mentioned in the little get started booklet), although there are directions on the calibration sheet. And now they are great. I think I've saved myself days and days of work - the pictures go through so quickly (about 6 seconds each). Also - living in California for many years I've often thought that the one thing I really don't want to lose to a fire are my photos - and getting them scanned and digitized means I can keep a copy in a safe location (and am sharing with my family so there are plenty of copies.) I very much recommend this little scanner seems quite sturdy and well built and makes quick work of your scanning jobs. And now that I've scanned all my pictures, my friends are asking to borrow it :)

This is a wonderful little device. We have a scanner on our printer and this little gizmo does just as good as the scanner. I am involved in collecting data for our local historical society and have used this to scan handwritten county board minutes dating back to 1872. Love the portability-I can take it to the court house and scan away. It works very quickly and the scanned items, which are all handwritten, come thru very nicely so that we can track the county history. I have also used it for old newspaper info and old photos. Works great. It is very easy to use and download the information into the computer. Not sure how much it will store. The battery life if great and love that it comes with an AC adapter. This is really well worth the $$$.

This scanner isn't perfect, but it is pretty awesome! I have been using a flatbed scanner to scan a bunch of old photos for my Grandpa's 85th birthday. It has taken more hours than I can count to get just 1300 scanned! I ordered this to give it a try and the difference in speed is quite drastic! No more late nights trying to get a decent amount of photos scanned. Tonight I was able to scan 1000 photos in basically 3 hours at the highest resolution!

Some reviewers said this scanner leaves streaks. I found that if you take out the wand and wipe it off every so many pictures (i did every 50 or so) you won't have streaks. The base that feeds the pictures did malfunction a few times and continued to scan after the picture was all the way out, but it was easily resolved after turning it off and back on. That only happened a few times at the beginning of my project and it picked back up to the correct settings.

I would say that even the old tattered pictures turned out well with this scanner. If you are on the fence I would recommend you give it a go!

Being able to both - scan by hand with the battery AND use the dock for precision auto-feed scanning - was an ABSOLUTE winner for me. I confess: it is absolutely ridiculous that you cannot scan into PNG format - only JPG and PDF (if you don't know, PNG is a lossless format, which JPG isn't in this case); this shows that this product is not intended for professional applications. However, this is the only issue I know with this product - it otherwise works well and appears to be reliable for scanning documents, photos, receipts and much more.

A couple more things about this product. One... don't pay over $200 for it: if you look hard enough, you should find it for around $150... and don't assume that Amazon always has the lowest price!!!!! And two... This version of the product is no longer manufactured; it is not clear why this is the case, but quite soon it will be gone forever; so, if you need one, don't procrastinate and buy it; I looked hard and could not find any other product on the market that would work both as a portable hand-scanner and an auto-feed scanner in the dock mode.

Awesome! My daughter and son-in-law have this. When I watched them use it I decided right then to get one to tame the piles of receipts my husband seems to collect. This is SO easy to use! It is truly plug and play. We have a Mac computer and there was no issue at all. It does not come with a micro SD card that is needed. Other than that, it is a fantastic tool.

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • Easily Scan, archive and organize file
  • Save files onto a microSD/microSDHC memory card up to 32GB
  • Approximately 1.5-inch class color LCD panel to preview scans
  • Uses rechargeable Lithium Polymer battery
  • 1200 DPI for high resolution scans; 8.5-inch x (Scanning length) up to 125-inch. PLEASE NOTE: Kindly refer the Instructional Video from the image section before use, which is very essential.


Easily scan your files for enhanced organization with this PDSDK-ST470-VP Vupoint Solutions Magic Wand Portable Scanner. It has a lithium-ion polymer battery and it works with plain paper. The optical resolution is 1200 dpi and it can scan in as little as 3 seconds. This Vupoint Magic wand portable scanner St470 has a 1.5-inch screen size for enhanced viewing.

I bought this to scan old family photos, both loose photos and some that are too thick for the feed through scanner. I've used the scanner a couple times, and the feed through portion works great as long as your photos aren't too large, too thick, or too curled/bent. The issues I've run into so far are:
1) Using the feed through scanner - when you have a picture with a black background, the sensor doesn't see the picture so it doesn't pull it into the scanner - I've gotten around that by putting a small bit of white paper over the sensor as I'm feeding in the picture. Sometimes the scanner will grab the white paper and that can cause the picture to scan crooked, so I just re-scan it.
2) Scanning using the wand can be tricky because it's difficult to move it straight, and sometimes pictures have to be re-scanned because of it.
3) The product listing says "Includes Paperport14 organizational software" - but I actually received a cd that says "ABBYY FineReader 10".

I was looking for a scanner that I could take with me on a trip to see my in-laws. Most of their old photos are in those sticky albums, so I needed something that I could use to scan the whole page. I had a little trouble at first because it wouldn’t auto-feed, so I called the help line and it turns out it needed to be plugged directly into the wall instead of an extension cord. However, the cord that comes with it (basically a usb) was so short, I would have had to sit on the floor for it to plug. I went out on a limb and bought a nice quality 6 ft usb cord, and that did the trick. Wanda works pretty good, but you’ll need to have some technical know how to use a computer program to cut the individual pictures out. Auto feed is pretty fast. It took about 15 minutes for me to scan about 200 pictures. And anyone can use the auto scan, so I can set my teenager up to scan pictures while she watches Netflix.

I just ordered another one of these; my first was in 2015 and is still going strong. The second is to have one handy at another location. I use it primarily with the sheet feeder to scan notes for archive. And it is a bit unique for these types of scanners. If you leave the dock connected to the computer, you click one button to put it in scan mode. You then feed single sheets, each saved to the mSD card as a PDF (or jpg). Then, press a button; your computer will recognize the mSD card and you have access to the files. Nothing fancy here; but quite independent of any computer side software that ... in my experience, usually disappoints. Now, multiple page documents? I simple use Tracker Softwares PDF exchange, which adds an option to file explorer . Select all files, right click, and select combine. Review the order of the files, one click, you have a multi-page PDF. I have owned several small scanners; but this unit has been the most trouble fee, and most useful.

Let me tell you how this scanner has changed the way I do things! I used to have to photograph or scan my handdrawn line work into the computer to digitally edit it with a giant clunky printer/scanner. Now I can just use this little beauty. I'm on the road travelling a lot with my art and NEEDED a space saver. This fit the bill! Higher DPI than most flatbed scanners, it's perfect for when I need to scan photos my clients gives me or references of pieces I'm working on. Easy set-up too! Make sure you buy a micro SD card for sure, it just makes it easier. I matched this with my PocketJet printer and it keeps everything working like a large office space but from the pocket of my backpack. Love it!

After a quick tutorial, my 83 year-old grandma (who has never used a scanner before) was able to scan over 400 old photos. This was easy for her because no computer is necessary. We left her the scanner over a few weeks and then she gave us the memory card back so we could copy onto USB drives to give to family members so we all have copies of her old photos. Easy user interface, not a lot of buttons/settings to learn. I've heard some of my friends use this product at family reunions and at retirement homes for photo scanning activities. The photo quality is not very high when on the computer but it's a 95% solution for what we needed. We had several Polaroids that were odd sizes and thicknesses, and you can simply use the wand to glide right over the top of the photo.

Get it Now


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