Thursday, July 11, 2019

July 11, 2019 | Posted in by Daiki | No comments

Cultures For Health Bulgarian Yogurt Starter | Re-use Heirloom Yogurt Culture Without Loss In Nutrients | Non GMO, Gluten Free | Makes Thick, Mildly Tart Bulgarian Yogurt | 2 Sachets In A Box

Cultures For Health Bulgarian Yogurt Starter | Re-use Heirloom Yogurt Culture Without Loss In Nutrients | Non GMO, Gluten Free | Makes Thick, Mildly Tart Bulgarian Yogurt | 2 Sachets In A Box

So far I am very impressed with this. I just had to leave a review, because I was surprised it was only rated 3.5 stars, it’s amazing! FYI I was previously making yoghurt from store bought plain yoghurt, but whenever it came to using a few tablespoons of my homemade yoghurt from my previous batch, for the new batch, it failed! So I started looking at heirloom cultures; the whole point of homemade yoghurt to me was to continue using the previous yoghurt as a starter for as long as possible, so it’s much cheaper.
I use an instant pot 3qt to make yoghurt and have a candy thermometer to test the temp, and a milk straining bag to strain it, that’s literally it. So I put the milk into the pot, hit yoghurt so it displays “boil” and let it warm it up. When it beeps I check the temp of the yoghurt is 160F with my thermometer (make sure to whisk for hot/ cold spots) and it usually has hit 160F. If not, I press boil again, keep stirring slowly and wait for it to reach. I then take it out, place the instant pot pot in a bigger pot and put cold water around it, to cool it quickly. Or you can put the pot in the sink with cold water surrounding it. Once it’s cooled to 110F or just below to be safe, I add the starter yoghurt (2-2.5 tablespoons of my previous batch to around a half a gallon of milk, I use 2%). Give it a thorough stir, but it back in the instant pot and then hit “yoghurt” again, 8 hours on normal setting. Usually this finishes up about dinner time, I then leave it out for a couple of hours to cool a little. Then put it covered in the fridge. Next morning I strain it through an almond milk strainer for a couple of hours in the fridge, because I prefer thick Greek type yoghurt. Then I add a couple of packets of sweetener to make it a tad less tart, though I could eat it without sweetener for sure.
The first batch I made with this, when I was culturing the packet, was a lot more runny, it didn’t make anywhere near as much yoghurt because a lot was water which I strained away. But I just saved a little for the next batch and it worked perfect. I am now on the 4th batch and each is thickening more than the previous one, and quicker too. The first batch took 10 hours on normal yoghurt setting before it was thick enough, the following batches have taken 7-8 hours. Sorry for the long review, I figured the homemade yoghurt business can be tricky, and someone may find this useful! I know I read a lot of reviews here before making this purchase.

I wanted to start making yogurt in my Instant Pot, and I didn't want to have to buy a new starter every time.
There was a bit of a learning curve, and I have to make a couple of batches before I got a good consistency to my yogurt. Once I got it down, it's super easy to make once a week. It's so much less expensive to make homemade yogurt than to buy it in the store.

Excellent culture. Makes very thick delicious yogurt in just eight hours. No bitter taste. Much better results than with using store bought culture. I like the fact that they say you can re-culture indefinitely. I just save about a teaspoon to start my next batch.

I purchased this so that I wouldn't have to keep buying starters for my yogurt every couple of batches. Unlike other reviews it set up beautifully the first time and the taste was so good plain that I had to stop myself before I emptied the little 6oz jar I was going to add to my smoothie! the taste reminded me of a good cottage cheese with a little tanginess, very, very good! I used whole milk and left it in the incubator for 12 hours, let it set for a few hours like the directions said then refrigerated it for 24 hours. It firmed up just fine and was creamy and delicious the first time. Both of my adult sons ate it plain too and said it was the best ever! I think my success lie in using whole milk and curing for 12 hours and letting it set; just follow the directions and it will turn out great for you too :-)

UPDATE: 5/17/17 The yogurt made from this starter does more to benefit me health wise than any store bought yogurt or any of the 2 or 3 use starters I have used in the past. Whatever strains are in this heirloom start are absolutely the most beneficial. If you are using yogurt for health be sure to choose this Bulgarian Yogurt Starter from Real Yogurt by Cultures for Health and you will be glad you did!

I had tried to make yogurt following instructions I found online and just using store bought yogurt as my starter... but the results were essentially slightly tangy milk. That's when I found this starter, and decided to make yogurt using a real starter. The results are amazing! The first batch came out looking and tasting like real, thick yogurt. I've made two more since then, to keep the culture alive, and both my husband and I love this homemade yogurt.

I love that I can keep making more each week, and it's been a great new hobby, too!

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Feature Product

  • MAKE YOUR OWN BULGARIAN YOGURT USING YOGURT STARTER CULTURE: make thick, creamy and mildly tart Bulgarian yogurt (similar to European style yogurt) using Cultures For Health probiotic yogurt starter; packed with probiotics (a group of microorganisms that benefits the gut, heart, mental health, among others), this yogurt is brimming with protein and is a great ingredient in cooking and baking besides being a yummy breakfast boost.
  • RE-USE HEIRLOOM PROBIOTIC YOGURT STARTER MANY TIMES WITHOUT LOSS IN POTENCY: an heirloom yogurt starter has a biodiversity that protects them from deteriorating over time; so you can use the same batch of yoghurt starter to make Bulgarian yogurt with no loss in health benefits time and again - that's great savings
  • GLUTEN-FREE AND NON-GMO ORGANIC YOGURT STARTER: make your own healthy Bulgarian yogurt with absolute peace of mind using this yogurt culture starter as it contains only the right ingredients and nothing artificial.
  • EASY-TO-USE BULGARIAN YOGURT STARTER: it's a cinch to be making fresh, probiotic-packed Bulgarian yogurt at home using our dairy yogurt culture; every sachet yields 1 quart of Bulgarian yogurt and takes only a few minutes to prepare, and thereafter, you can continue making your own delicious yogurt every batch after batch using a 2-3 spoonfuls of yogurt from the previous batch; detailed instructions are available at
  • VERSATILE PROBIOTIC YOGURT STARTER: when you buy Cultures For Health heirloom yogurt starter cultures, you not only make great-tasting homemade Bulgarian yogurt (you know what goes into it too), you can also get FREE access to our 155-page yogurt ebook with a treasure trove of easy recipes, articles and how-to videos; go on, unleash your creativity in yogurt


Make your own nutritious and yummy Bulgarian yogurt with Cultures For Health probiotics yogurt cultures

Why buy yogurt off the shelves when you can easily make it at home yourself? Buy this Cultures For Health yogurt starter cultures once and you can be making Bulgarian yogurt time and again using the same batch of probiotic yogurt starter. How ingenious and cost effective!

Heirloom yogurt probiotic starter

So what is an heirloom probiotics yogurt starter? With proper care, you can keep using the yogurt starter cultures for health again and again to make healthy Bulgarian yogurt without any loss in nutrients. That's because, unlike commercially manufactured cultures, heirloom yogurt starters have a structure that protects it from deteriorating over time. That's why it can yield yogurt with the same level of probiotics (a group of microorganisms that benefits gut, mental, heart health, among others) and nutrients time after time.

Gluten free and non-GMO Bulgarian yogurt starter

This Cultures For Health yogurt culture is gluten-free and made of non-GMO ingredients, which ensures that you get the highest quality Bulgarian yogurt every time. Rest assured that there are no extra ingredients which could potentially wreak havoc on your health. Go on, make your own delicious and creamy Bulgarian yogurt at home - it's easy!

Get cracking with Cultures For Health yogurt cultures

It isn't rocket science to be making your own Bulgarian yogurt in the kitchen. And it only takes a few minutes to prepare! In fact, when you buy our yogurt live culture , you'll also get free access to our 155-page yogurt ebook with loads of recipes, articles and how-to videos. For more details, check out Go on, start experimenting the various ways of creatively incorporating Bulgarian yogurt into your meals or snacks.

I bought this starter because it has great reviews and sounds user friendly, and... it will multiply new batches an unlimited number of times. This will save me money. I did find that my first two batches did not turn out ideal, but third and on were exactly what I was looking for. I think that is pretty normal in my experience, so I wasn't too worried about it taking some time to mature. I am pleased with the flavor and the activity of the culture. I am using it to culture some raw goat milk into yogurt. I have settled into surrounding it with a heating pad for several hours to get it to culture successfully. I used to use my oven light, but I bought a new larger oven and the light method doesn't get warm enough anymore. I have bought several other products from this company and have always been pleased with them. They are doing a great service for us by providing such diverse culturing products for the world to use to better their health. I am thankful!

So far so good. Used the initial instructions to reawaken one of the two cultures and have made four batches of yogurt so far, each batch a little tangier and thicker. Saving the second packet in the freezer as a backup.

I love the flavor of this yogurt. It is similar to the Greek Gods brand that my family loves. The first batch was runny, so I used it for the starter of my next batch and for smoothies. The next batch was thicker. I have been using an Instant Pot which makes yogurt making so easy. I use 3 quarts milk, 1 cup honey, 1/3 cup starter, and 2 tsp vanilla. I set the Instant Pot to 8 hours, then strain the yogurt for 1 hour in a nut bag. This makes about 2 quarts. Perfect! Everyone I have shared my yogurt with loves it. I have started freezing my starter for my next batch because I'm not always able to eat all my yogurt within 7 days. This has worked really well and takes the stress out of yogurt making.

I had yogurt made with this culture while at a nice B&B on vacation and ordered some myself. I followed the instructions for the first batch (included with the purchase), then used the cook time and culture ratios and times from the B&B on the next batch. Turned out great. I strain mine to make it very thick and less tart. Just as good as what I had at the B&B.

As a microbiologist, I can appreciate the heirloom culture qualities. Love that I can just keep it going. My first batch set fairly well, but I did put some extra effort into adding the initial culture powder to a teaspoon or two of milk first, making an even mix, then adding it to the rest of the milk. At 6 hours in (when it had not set yet at all, and only barely smelled like yogurt), I whisked the whole thing to re-distribute the bacteria, as I know after that long most lactic acid bacteria settle to the bottom. I wonder if this is why people with longer first culture times (mine took 11 hours to set) have issues, if it settles it will not perform as well for many reasons I will not detail. Hope this info is helpful for someone.

Delicious, creamy, not too tangy but still tangy.
Expect a runny first batch. Follow the instructions. Don't assume it needs to 'cook' longer just because it's not solid. All you're looking for is enough solidification that it pulls from the side when you tilt it. It will firm up more during the cooling process and even more in the fridge. It does take a bit of trial and error to figure out but Cultures for Health is very responsive to questions - just ask!

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