For the most part I really like the APEX. I have been waiting a long time to be able to play with a mouse and keyboard on my xbox so I was pretty excited when I saw this was coming out. Couple of things to watch out for though. I'm a glass half empty kind of guy so let me give you the critique.
Don't buy the amazon promo gaming keyboard and mouse with all the lights, it won't work with the APEX. If it has too big of a power draw you will have to have a separate power source for the usb hub.
This is not a plug and play device but I also don't have to write script for it. This is something in between. Its a new device so support is a little bit slow I have had to go on their website site and dig through their forums more than once to make it work. There are videos for the initial setup and list of supported games on their website. Make sure you look at these before buying to make sure this is the product for you. Once you get it setup though it works without a hitch until they run a firmware patch.
I haven't tried it but it is supposed to support wireless and wand devices. If you want to be on headset you are going to be wired, no way around it. You use the headset from you controller and the controller has to be wired into the APEX. There are a lot of wires once you get everything plugged in. I still play on the TV in my living room so it can be a little overwhelming.
All that being said I'm pretty happy with it. There is no latency that I can detect. There is enough control input to allow you to setup your configuration the way you want it without being so complex you get totally lost. Most important, I finally get to stop trying to do precision aiming with my thumbs(seriously who ever thought that was a good idea never understood ergonomics). glhf
This works great on games that support the faster movement (I do not recommend for Elder Scrolls Online). I use it to play Overwatch on the PS4 because the game simply wasn't made for controllers.
NOTE: Having this does not make you an automatic god-moder and anyone that tells you that is lying. This is simply a keyboard and mouse emulation device. It receives your keyboard and mouse presses and movements, translates them into buttons on the controller (pre-programmed or otherwise) and then passes them along to the PS4.
Using this definitely feels more like the PC for some games, but people that play on the PC have to learn and practice for hours and hours for many days to get decent at a lot of modern games - just like people on consoles. Do not expect this to be some magical cure for poor aim. It is simply for people that prefer keyboard&mouse on console for the games that were designed for them.
This product exceeded all my expectations! I got this for Destiny 2. I am an end-game player and love to play PVP as well. I’m not the best at aiming with a controller, but this device has completely changed my game!
At the first moment I got this, the set up was really quick. However, there were instructions I wish I had known about that were not explicitly listed. I’m going to mention things you will probably want to do once you are set up:
1) If you are using a sophisticated gaming mouse, such as I (I’m using Logitech G502), you want to set you’re Response Rate to 1000Hz. To do that, you will go to Global Settings. Select “Enable Expert Configuration,” and then enter “1000” in the response rate and select Save. It may require a reboot for this to take effect. I noticed an immediate improvement in my performance after doing this.
2) There are YouTube tutorials out there on the Xim website for figuring out the best sensitivity for you. I was so focused on trying to make my sensitivity high in the Xim app, that I didn’t realize I was able to make better precision shots in Destiny 2 once I followed the tutorials. It makes a huge difference!
3) Take time to adjust. You’ll likely notice an immediate improvement in accuracy on FPS if this is what you are using it for, HOWEVER, you are going to suck on certain things too (jumping and landing on small platforms, driving vehicles, etc) until you get the hang of it. And not to mention that your shooting accuracy gets better too the longer you stick to one sensitivity.
These are the biggest things I remember when I bought mine and started using it. Hope this helps anyone that decides to purchase!
Great optimization and well worth the money spent!!! I researched many of these m/kb to console adaptors and by far the XIM APEX has the best reviews, best optimal use and has won my heart.
least amount of lag/latency for a m/kb adaptor that I have experienced. Pre loaded games with one click optimization via the XIM APP. Sleek and simple to setup. Instructional videos and forums to help you along your APEX journey. 3 port USB 2.0 hub provided. Amazing 5 star product.
Only certain mouse and keyboards are accepted by the APEX, but most everyone works. To elaborate...I tried multiple mice and keyboards including WIRELESS DONGLE KEYBOARDS AND MICE, only one keyboard didn't work and it was the Tecware Phantom. Tried LG, COUGAR, CORSAIR, HAVIT, ZEALOTES, ROSEWILL, RAZOR & THERMALTAKE combinations and all were read. Your XBOX/PS4 Controller must remain plugged in the entire time you are using APEX.
Some phones will NOT work properly via the app due to lack of support from your phone software. Most of the time, if you try to connect continuously over and over you will get a connection by the 3rd to 10th try. I tried many phones from SAMSUNG, ASUS, LG & MOTOROLA (DID NOT TRY IPHONE) the only one to give me issues was the ASUS ZenFone line.
This little device is worth every penny, just do your research prior to purchase, as you should with any product, the XIM forums, Reddit, & YouTube are great sources of information and compatability lists.
(!!! I am a normal PC Tech enthusiast/consumer. This review is strictly based on my experience upon purchasing the product. I have not been given/paid anything to write this. I just believe that this product is really that good for anyone looking.)
So I'm a noob at the XIM thing, decided to buy it instead a new controller since my mkb will last way longer. Setup is pretty quick but getting things dialed in to where it feels right might take a while. The app to set everything up in is really intuitive and being able to change setting easily on the fly is pretty sweet when your tuning for each game. After using it the past couple days I'll say there is definitely a bit of a learning curve to it and it is not a regular mkb experience. Having turn speed limits that make you have to consciously slow down your mouse movements for consistency is pretty annoying at times. Having to setup a bunch of profiles for different aspects in the same game can get a bit tedious. Like small angle aiming is pretty good once you get your settings right but making bigger movements takes some getting use to. Flicking can be a bit inconsistent depending on if you hit the turn speed limit. Overall, I like the XIM pretty well so far and without a doubt its an upgrade from a regular controller. Hopefully Sony and Microsoft just enable mkb and just let people choose their input method.

Feature Product
- XIM APEX provides the highest precision mouse and keyboard (and more) experience on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.
- Unsurpassed Quality, ease-of-use, and flexibility, XIM APEX is the perfect companion to the even most demanding gamer.
- XIM APEX empowers gamers with the state-of-the-art without bombarding them with unneeded complexity.
- Through xim's unique Smart translator technology, XIM APEX is able to provide unparalleled 1-to-1 gaming precision that consistently performs in every game You play.
- It's quick and Easy to set up your preferred gaming environment through its wireless smartphone tool. XIM APEX enables gamers to choose their preferred input devices Whether gaming at a desk or from a couch in the living room.
Xim gamers all over the world enjoy gaming with their friends on consoles while they use the input method that suits them best. Features - next Generation console input adapter - GAME on your consoles using your favorite PC gaming-grade peripherals - unsurpassed in-game 1-to-1 feel thanks to advanced XIM Smart Translator technology - simple wireless configuration using your smartphone or tablet - supports both desktop and living room gaming styles - firmware upgradable (please update to latest firmware before use to ensure the best performance) Purchase includes - XIM APEX console input adapter - XIM hub with 3 USB ports and 9-in. Cord - XIM APEX Manager for iOS and Android (need to download from official site)- XIM Smart Translator support for life requirements XIM APEX Manager: iOS 8 or higher (iPhone 4S and iPad 3rd-gen and above) or Android 4.4 or higher or a PC running Windows 8/8.1/10 x86/x64 firmware upgrades: PC running Windows 7/8/8.1/10 x86/x64 or a mac running OSX 10.11 or higher Xbox one: Micro-USB cable to connect Xbox one controller to XIM APEX (not included) Xbox 360: officially licensed wired Xbox 360 controller (Not wireless Controller with play and charge cable) please check the official XIM website for more details.Note: if gaming mouse is used, you may need external power supply for USB hub or it may not get enough power to run. External power supply adapter is not included.
I just plain stink at FPS games using a controller. If you run in front of me I can shoot a perfect outline around you leaving you unscathed and open to kill me easily. Read about XIM years ago and gave it a try and my performance improved. Now don't think you'll go from sucking to a pro but it does help if you're more comfortable using mouse & keyboard vs controller.
Had a XIM4 but the dog broke it as she ran by and ripped the USB cable outta the XIM ruining the USB port. Had no choice but upgrade to the APEX and happy with my purchase. Feels just as good as my XIM4 did and supposed to be better due to the higher polling setting for your mouse.
PROTIP: Don't mention you use XIM in any gaming Reddits...they despise XIM users and just think they're cheaters or have an advantage. I see it as just using something I'm more comfortable with that makes gameplay more enjoyable. On controller I would hate the game and want to just rage quit. Granted I still have those moments but not as much when using K&M.
This thing works amazingly plug and play my goodness! I was up and running in 5 min! And easy to use game searching for already configured controls allows for easy adjusting afterwords!!! Totally 110% love this thing
This thing provides near perfect performance and gives you something that's extremely, extremely close to what you would imagine it to be. For most people it'll be good enough, and that includes me. For my personal usage it's absolutely perfect. But I can see a few things about this that might gripe more experienced players.
When I first obtained it, it was a bit of a pain to get working. You have to download an app and turn on Bluetooth. This is how you switch profiles. I also discovered that you can set special hot keys for certain games. Which I thought was awesome for switching between profiles (one for menu one for the game) or for playing games with multiple control schemes (like the Halo Collection)
It took a bit of time to figure out how to get it working. There's a bit of a learning curve. When you do get it working you'll find that it works as well as you would expect. It comes very close to playing on a PC, but it's not exact. Because you're still playing a console game with its console game limitations.
That being said, the mouse view is actually perfect to me. I had zero issues with using my mouse and aiming. It felt at home for me. I was actually playing and not struggling to keep up.
I use this for the CoD games specifically. I used to play Modern Warfare 2 and 3 nearly every second of every day for a few years on PC and using this for the Xbox version of MW2 was almost perfect.
This thing is amazing. I believe I got a defective product so I'll be sending it back for a replacement. The wait almost seems unbearable, I honestly can't wait to play again. This thing is amazing
Honestly i was nervous to buy this because of some peoples negative reveiws. But to be honest i think any negative reviews are user error. If you have high quality mouse and keyboard then there will be no input lag. It took me a while to get my settings right but now im playing siege and pubg with amazing accuracy 100% would and will reccomend to my friends
I bought this to use on my Xbox One X for Black Ops 4. It works like a charm. Absolutely no input lag either. I use a Logitech G502 Hero (highly recommend) and a Razer Tartarus V2 gamepad (also recommend for someone with a small desk). The Apex is highly customizable and easy to use. Their app works flawlessly. There are so many tutorials on YouTube for the best setups and configurations for a lot of games. Just make sure that your mouse, keyboard, and the game you want to play is compatible with Apex. Most of them are but there are a few that aren't. My aim on BO4 is extremely accurate now that I use a mouse (I hate analog sticks). It gives you a huge competative advantage. I have also used this on Battlefield which also works flawlessly. Fun fact, I have NEVER used a mouse and keyboard to play any video game. I have always used a controller since I've only ever played on Xbox. It took me about a week to get a feel for it and about a month to actual feel comfortable with it. The hardest part for me was the movement and not so much aiming and shooting. All in all, highly recommend for anyone trying to have an advantage over people using a controller.

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