I was highly reluctant to buy this after reading all the reviews but decided what did I have to lose especially since I'm getting the warranty. I'm glad I did. Mine came as though it was bought from the store. If it is used or refurbished, it's hard to tell because it works like it's brand new. Maybe I was lucky, lol. I say take a chance and at least buy a warranty in case you don't get a good controller the first time.
It's January 21, exactly 3 months after my original review. The controller is still working just fine. It has been dropped a few times but still works. The buttons and joysticks snap back into to place. I will do another update in 3 months!
It's July 3rd, nearly 9 months later and still not a still complaint!
Works great with Steam & love that it doesn't require batteries when used with PC
Super easy to get to work on PC!
1) put some batteries in and turn on
2) use the wire to plug into PC for the first time (it'll auto install drivers that way)
3) click your bluetooth icon on PC and connect device.
4) done!
I finally switched over from a wired 360 controller just because i am tight on usb ports on my laptop and wanted more options. I can still run this wired if need be but its nice not having too!
*sidenote* I have medium gloved hands and noticed this feels kind of small compared even to 360 controller. Hasn't really affected performance as I only play certain games with controller (I think mouse and keyboard is still more responsive)
10/10 happy with purchase
Did not plug and play easily. The quick solution to get it running wirelessly is to go to the controller in Device Manager and choose the option to search and update driver from the internet. Other than that, the controller is awesome. Works great with Windows gaming. I don’t own an Xbox console, so I can’t review for that.
EDIT: Previously in this review I claimed that you have to reconnect blu tooth manually every time you turn on your controller, that is actually false! All you have to do is wait about 10 seconds for your controller to connect itself automatically. If 10 seconds is too long to wait then just plug it in or spend the 30 seconds to manually reconnect, I guess.
Lovely controller, the first one i've ever bought for myself and i'm glad I spent the extra money as opposed to taking a used one from a friend or buying one of the older xbox models.
As for why i'd recommend this? The matte surface feels impeccable, your hands won't slip or feel greasy when you're really sweating up a storm at that intense video game (and when the controller vibrates it feels nicer in my opinion lol). The layout of the joysticks, dpad and buttons also is more roomy which makes it much harder to accidentally bump into the wrong thing + just feels nicer in general. It has a nice sturdy feeling build with a bit of weight that only makes it easier to handle.
Overall i'm enamored with this product and even if it is a bit more pricey it works, feels and looks great. If you have the extra change i'd totally give it a shot.

Feature Product
- Experience the enhanced comfort and feel of the Xbox Wireless Controller
- Stay on target with textured grip
- Includes Bluetooth technology for gaming on Windows 10 PCs and tablets
- Wireless adapter features a 66% smaller design, wireless stereo sound support, and the ability to connect up to eight controllers at once
- Compatible With Xbox One X, Xbox One S, Xbox One, Windows 10
Play PC games with the Xbox Wireless Controller. With the Xbox Wireless Controller + Wireless Adapter for Windows 10, you can experience the enhanced precision and comfort of the newly streamlined black Xbox controller on your PC. The new and improved adapter features a 66% smaller design, wireless stereo sound support, and the ability to connect up to eight controllers at once. For use with controller compatible games on Xbox One or PCs and Tablets running Windows 7, 8.1., and 10 with USB 2.0 or USB 3.0. Significant firmware update may be required; ISP fees apply. Please visit xbox one/controller update for update instructions.
Works great with both xbox and pc wireless and no additional purchase required since it also supports bluetooth. Pretty much plug and play. It is a Microsoft product, and if you buy from Amazon you can return it if it is defective or have some damage in shipping of course. Just glancing though the reviews that seemed to be an issue in some cases. This is a high quality controller with a ton of versatility. it has a replaceable battery so you aren't locked in like Sony. you can buy high quality Li-on batteries after market for minimal cost. I have a ps4, and an Xbox. Over my years I have used many controllers, for pc, game consoles etc. To be honest those two platforms have the best controllers by a wide margin. They never fail, and they work great. Basically they last forever. If I had to choose between the two i'd pick xbox because of the pc versatility, and replaceable battery. it truly is a great controller. You can look at this as a long term investment. So of my favorite controllers, in comparing sony to this controller the reason i'd recommend this is they make the battery replacement easier.
I got this because I'd been using the same wired Xbox 360 controller for several years (on PC, for the games I prefer controller to k/m. The 360 controller had been a sturdy and reliable piece of equipment, but was starting to let me down.
Everything about this controller is better - smoother responses, better looking. The bumper placement is taking some adjustment, but it's not bad.
It doesn't feel like I could bludgeon a burglar with it, unlike the 360 controller (which will now be hanging from a hook by my bed as a self-defense weapon), but all in all, I am pleased.
I have this, a PS4 controller, and an xbox 360 controller. I didn't think anything could take the place of the 360 controller in my heart but since my cables kept dying I wanted one of these, I figured the cable would be cheaper to replace than getting a new controller.
I was pleasantly surprised when I got it. The feel takes a little getting used to but I much prefer it to my 360 controller. The sticks feel good and the controller is hearty without being too bulky. To me the hand feel is a little better than a PS4 controller but that might just be personal preference.
Minus 1 star because the cable is already starting to bend in a weird way and might give out soon. I try to take care of my controllers and the bend comes from normal wear and tear. I wish there was a version of this controller with one of those nice durable cables but until then this is my go-to.
Microsoft 4N6-00001 Xbox Controller + Cable for Windows
Is this wireless controller Bluetooth? Yes. I guess I'm running the latest version of Windows 10 because I didn't need to hook it up with the wire or download anything, it connected through Bluetooth straight away.
This controller was $39.99 when I purchased it and now I can see why it is 10 to $20 cheaper than other colored versions. This specific controller feels like it is made with hard cheaply produced plastic. So far it connects and works perfectly. What I recommend it to a friend? Absolutely. Would I pay the extra cost if I had to do it again? Honestly, I would. The other version has rubberized grips and is a bit more comfortable and suited for playing long hours. Don't get me wrong this is not a bad controller but I do think the extra cost is worth it to get a next tier item. I think four out of five stars is a fair score.
I think the vibrating motors are broken somehow. They make a loud noise when they run and that noise sounds busted somehow. Despite that and the ever present "batteries in 2019" thing, it functions exactly how youd expect a controller to function.
The last controller i had only registers shoulder button clicks from the far ends so if you hold the controller with ur fingers too close to the middle, youd have to either adjust or press the button with your whole finger, not the tip like normal. However this controller registers on both ends of the shoulders so i can hold it however i want and works fine.
Will update if problems arise.
Pro tip: buy rechargable batteries too. Not the play and charge kit. 4 batteries gets you 100% uptime. 2 in use, 2 charging at all times. Doesn't need to be a crazy expensive set or charger. Personally using enerloop and their wall plug charger. Comes with and charges 4 batteries and it was like $18. Hopefully i can find some use for them besides one controller but whatever it is what it is.

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