Tuesday, September 24, 2019

September 24, 2019 | Posted in by Daiki | No comments

Epson DS-530 Document Scanner: 35ppm, TWAIN & ISIS Drivers

Epson DS-530 Document Scanner: 35ppm, TWAIN & ISIS Drivers

I came from a ScanNap fi-5110EOX2 a Fujitsu and I loved it! It was a work horse for more than 10 years. Finally got tired of 'duck taping' the software and spending time to get it to run on Win 10. Wish they would just through out a driver to keep up with the OS, but then they would get you to buy a new unit. So my reference for this review is Fujitsu standard of quality.

Epson DS-530 was my choice after much research. It was this unit or the Fujitsu FI-7030 Desktop Scanner at $700. Both have TWAIN drivers and I wanted to go paperless with OneNote! (and future proof it a bit) I went with Epson due to it being half the price, but has gotten some really good reviews. This model is their newest and a bit of an upgrade to the DS-520. I don't need or want the WiFi option, so the DS-530 seemed perfect with all of the features of the Fujitsu.

First Impression:
WOW, it is super-fast compared to my 10yr old Fujitsu and the software compatibility is Great! I decided to do a clean install of Windows 10, since I had originally did the free upgrade from win 7. Glad I did for many reasons, but wanted to make sure I started fresh and bypass any conflicts due to tweaking OS for unsupported Fujitsu. So far it is running great and really happy with purchase. Someone reviewed it and commented that the slider for the paper holders moved like butter, and they were right. It is easy to load scanner with paper, then move the guides tight on the paper with just one hand. will follow up with any issues I encounter or cool features I discover along the way. If you don't see an update, then the Scanner is perfect and working so well you forget about it as it becomes seamless to your work process.

Update 12/26/16
Scanning crazy amounts of paperwork, mixing in receipts, and weird shaped papers. So far not a single miss-feed, double feed, or issues with not scanning anything I through at. WHAT I REALLY LIKE is the Document Capture Pro software. It is a great tool for feeding scanned documents to different software systems. I love OneNote, Capture Pro makes it easy to scan directly into the software and organizing it later. Still a 5 Star product.

Update 3/18/17
Still Rock solid, even after 'I' screwed up a Bios update. I need to redo the update, but the Scanner is still working, even with my goof. Still really happy with unit. Keep lid closed when not using, and hope this will keep it in good condition for the long haul.

Update 5/1/17
Still rock solid, but the updated version of Document Scanner Pro is not great. I uninstalled and reinstalled vs. 1.17.12 as I liked how it looked better than the new version. Epson hasn't released any update on what has changed and all of their online 'help' guides are still showing 1.17.12, and not the updated version 2.00.01. Easy change and calling tech support with questions was high quality on top of getting back to preferred software. still 5 stars.

Update 9/19/2018 - Work Horse, no issues. Only 'thing' is that the software wants to update to a completely new version. Good, but no instructions or guides on how to use the new version of the software. I uninstalled new and went back to the old version. Still, not an issue and they might have better training on the new version of the software that does more. Still like old software so decline monthly prompting to update.

I very much wanted the Fujitsu fi-7130 or fi-7160, but the cost was prohibitive. In stepped Epson with an affordable (1/5th'ish the cost of a new scanner) solution. I will one day have my Office Space moment with my Samsung all-in-one #@$^ing pos printer, but for now my Epson DS-530 has stayed the execution; a job I thought only Fujitsu could do. Most folks may not consider this a fair price at over $300, but after using that flippin' Samsung for 2 years I willingly coughed up the clams.

Set up was a breeze, even though I did Exactly what the instructions told me Not to do (plugged it in to the USB before installing the Epson drivers). I uninstalled the Windows driver and started over, this time following instructions, and voila! Fujitsu still has the upper hand in software with their ScandAll Pro program; however, again, price left an incredibly large gap.

I've been able to scan credit cards, checks, driver's licenses, duplex, images, etc . . . with no issues. The image stitching feature is highly useful for checks and cards - it puts the front and back images together into one document or image, and allows the user to determine side-by-side or top and bottom. Scan profiles can be set up so users don't have to constantly change settings.

Users will be able to email directly from the scanner, though the document cannot be altered, nor can the email body be modified, after scanning. A pre-written body and subject can be set up in the profile, though, to skip repetitive typing. The email address book will pull from Outlook, I think. I may have had to export my contacts from Outlook and import them to Document Capture Pro. Either way, it was easy.

Scan profiles can be set up to save the scans into certain folders and with names of the user's (or admin's) choosing. Date, date and time, and iterative numbers up to 5 digits in length can be appended to the file name. There's a barcode character option as well as OCR recognition for those who have scans with information in the same place every time. Mine are all over the place so I don't get to play with those options.

Receipts and other thin paper is simple to scan. There's a button on the scanner that gets pushed that slows the scan speed down. Push it again to speed things up.

Speed is great - I get nice looking scans at 300 dpi and it's quick. I use Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard and thus far it integrates nicely with the DS-530.

All-in-all I'm happy with it and I am only more critical of the software because I used to use ScandAll Pro, which is a quite well-written bit of software which has more features than the average user will ever need. I'm no power user, but I do dig tweaking settings and making life easier with features like skip blank pages, auto skew, hole punch fill in, edge fill in, etc . . . and ScandAll Pro is like a playground to me.

20180813: Update: I'm still pleased with this scanner. I have the occasional hiccup where I have to turn it off then back on. I haven't had to restart my computer to fix issues, only the machine, so that's a big bonus. It's truckin' right along. For half the price I have a scanner that works just as well as the Fujitsu scanner I wanted. The only regret I have is not purchasing the wi-fi model to free up a USB port. Again, it's a minor issue for our home office as we can easily hop onto each others' computers.

I did get to experiment with the OCR recognition and have to admit it needs some help. I have a document that has a job number typed in the same area each time and none of the OCR settings are able to read it correctly. The field is alpha numeric and I think that trips up the OCR. It works a little bit better on a different document that has only numbers, but definitely not well enough to call it reliable. Perhaps in a future update. Fortunately it is possible to review and retype the results and save that as the file name. The process is a bit clunky, but it gets the job done.

I also found the auto-rotate feature and that's been a time saver. I also have a one-button default scan profile that works for the majority of my scans; however, if I go to the taskbar and right-click on the scanner I can use one of my other scan profiles. That is to say - using other scan options is quite easy and convenient.

All-in-all, after ~4 months use, I'm satisfied with my purchase, and I would make the same choice if I had a "do-over."

Some people call me crazy, but I keep tons of old documents, bills, receipts, and other paper junk, 99.9% of which I will probably never need to go back to. But if I only knew, which pages constitute that 0.01% I will eventually need... Anyway, came the time, when I decided to digitize my archives. This little machine ate literally piles and piles of old papers in all possible conditions ranging from nice and smooth to badly wrinkled, torn and otherwise mutilated. There is hardly anything it won't swallow. Sometimes, if the page was badly torn, I'd patch it up with a bit of scotch tape, but most it ate right up. Yes, it jams every now and then (not surprised, given the quality of material I fed through it, I'm actually impressed on how rarely it happens), but unjamming it is a very easy task, and even if whatever got jammed wrinkled - it will scan in on the second pass. The software is *almost* flexible enough for every task. At the time I purchased the scanner (April 2018) it was much less flexible, but improved greatly with a recent update. It is now allowing for lots more options in automatic file naming, which was one of my major complaints. One annoying thing - when launching "document capture pro" it will sometime take a long time to connect to the scanner. Sort of a workaround is to close and re-open it, if it waits too long. Usually connects right away on the second go. So far I scanned over 14000 sheets, some of them full two sided pages, some were as small as a cash register receipts. It takes pages in almost any size. Won't take an old cash register receipt that is 1.5 inch wide, but will take the 1.7+ inch ones easily. Fortunately almost nobody uses these old narrow receipts these days. The nice thing is that it takes pages of any length (took a bit to figure it out, because you need to set the page size to "auto (long paper)", which is only available under advanced options, when using Document Capture Pro). But when set up right - it will gladly accept those big box electronics store receipts, where they print all their terms, conditions, warranties, and whatnot making them 4-5 feet long. It will scan at reduced speed, when long paper option is on though, so don't abuse it if you don't need it. All in all, I'm very happy with this device. Yes, there are a few minor glitches here and there (mostly in software, actually, so I'm hoping for eventual improvements), but there isn't a thing that is made perfect. So giving it a 5 star rating for a very high pro/con ratio.

This is a great little scanner & doesn't take up too much space on my desk. Using it to organize many years of tax & personal documents for us & mom. Yawn. Then I thought: what about organizing all my craft dies, stamps, DSP. Oh am I brilliant or what??? I am thinking now about how I can organize my craft supplies to scan & retrieve all my stuff quickly on any device thru Evernote. I have 2 extra tall bakers racks full of old files I can scan too. Oh happy day! My shredder is going to get fat eating all this paper. LOL. Oh, I almost forgot my genealogy documents, now they’ll have a home too.

I gotta give this very high marks for price/performance. I've used different brand scanners over the years, from flatbed, to handheld to desktop.

This was easy to set up. Although I had to download the set of programs, that went well.

The actual capture software is fairly easy to use, but not in the league of Fujitsu. I would say quite serviceable once you get used to it.

The actual scanning process is a sight to behold speedwise. Claims it can scan 35 pages per minute - but hold on; it can actually double that as scanning double sidded doesn't slow down the unit. Wow!

This is up there with scanners that cost a lot more.

I bought the non wifi version as I only need this attached to my computer and not in an office environment. Besides from what I read the wireless module can be buggy and is definitely slower.

I may just have to order another one for the heck of it.

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • Fast: 35 ppm/70 ipm scan speeds; Color and duplex - scans both sides in just one pass.
  • Reliable: 3-Year warranty with free next business day replacement.
  • Robust: 4000-Sheet daily duty cycle and 50-page Automatic Document Feeder. Document Sizes- Paper size Minimum- 2 inch x 2 inch. Paper size Maximum- 8.5 inch x 240
  • Seamless Integration: Compatible with your software - comes with both TWAIN and ISIS drivers.
  • Network Capable: Turn DS-530 into a secure networked workgroup scanner using the optional Epson Network Interface Unit.


The fast, efficient DS-530 color duplex document scanner is the intelligent choice for business document management, offering world-class performance at a significant value. Featuring speeds up to 35 ppm/70 ipm, this powerful, compact performer includes TWAIN and ISIS drivers for seamless integration with existing document management systems. Quickly scan stacks of pages to a PC, Mac or online storage account like Dropbox or SharePoint. Advanced paper feed technologies such as Dynamic Skew Correction and Ultrasonic Double Feed Detection offer added reliability, while a 50-page Auto Document Feeder saves time. Additional features include Double Feed Detection Skip, Slow Speed Mode and programmable jobs.

Overall this is a great scanner. I work in an office where we have 6 Epson Document scanners. The first version of the scanner that I bought was the DS-560. These are FANTASTIC little scanners, easy to use and the software was packed full of features. This DS-575 I find to be a little more frustrating than the 560. The moving parts on the scanner do not move smoothly. They get stuck and are very hard to open and close and to adjust; you sort of need to force the parts to move. I thought that maybe it was a specific problem to the scanner that I use but I checked this on the other one that's in the office too and it has the same problem. It would be nice if the parts moved smoothly and easily but...not the case, and I feel like this is going to cause the scanner to break more quickly than it should. The software has fewer features and seems to be of a lower quality than the original software with the Epson DS-560. The black and white scans come out very poor quality even with the setting at a higher quality. So if I need to do high quality black and white scans I use a different scanner because this scanner is incapable of producing a high quality black and white scan. Also it seems like the software is missing features, like the ability to scan many pages at a time to individual files, this was a feature that I LOVED in the old software. Now you have to either scan them one page at a time, or you have to scan a bunch of pages and then manually export them to individual files (which can be impossible if you don't own pdf editing software). The function that skips blank pages does not work accurately if the scanner perceives that there is something on the back side of the page then you end up needing to edit your pdf to delete blank pages (also a problem if you don't own pdf editing software), also the auto rotate setting is inaccurate and you need to check every file to make sure that the pages are scanned in the correct direction. I love Epson scanners but I feel like this particular scanner was a downgrade from the DS-560 despite the much higher price. I feel like Epson needs to go back and update the software to have better functionality and redesign the moving parts on the scanner so that they move smoothly without needing to be forced. On the upside the scanner is durable and scans documents quickly and rarely jams. I scan documents of all sizes and quality. I work for a construction company so many of the documents I scan are dirty and crinkled and this thing will scan them all and almost never jams (even on those tiny, fragile little credit card receipts). I love that it's easy to use and compact. It can be folded up to take up just a small space on your desk so it's out of your way until you need it.

We are a doctors office that has been digitizing all of our paperwork with Fujitsu workhorse scanners for over 15 years. Recently one of our Fujitsu 5120C scanners finally died (after 400K) scans and I regretfully started looking for a new replacement. I came across this scanner and was impressed with its warranty, price point, and more importantly it just seems to work. Granted I have only ran a few hundred scans, but it seems to be solid and; well it works! I gave it 4 stars for now and will review again in 30 days.

After using a Fujitsu Fi 6130, I was skeptical about this scanner because of its price point. But don’t be fooled it’s a power house and I am really happy with it. I had one particular issue with my Fujitsu but that is a thing of the past with this scanner.
It handles more scans than the Jujitsu and even thou some reviewers say that it is slow in connecting to the supplied software, it is true but really not that slow. The program supplied is powerful and I like that I can make profiles for different types of scans.
The only one con is that while scanning long pages over legal size the scanner automatically goes into slow scan mode. I wish there was a bypass for this. I can understand the slow scan mode for register receipts and delicate originals but there should be a speed option.

I am impressed with the speed and quality of the scans.

To get rid of all the paper receipts for tax files, I am now scanning them directly into Quicken. It is quick and easy to do and eliminates the need to file all of the paper.

I highly recommend this scanner.

I purchased this mainly because of the excellent reviews and the fact it has a FULL 3 year warranty with next day replacement included. I installed the software and it pretty much works out of the box. I have not used any of the specialty software like OCR. I just want to easily scan. What I particularly love is that I am not able to scan long skinny receipts with no issues at all. I use the slow mode for feeding and it feeds flawlessly with a great image. So far this is great for me.

Get it Now


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