I needed a shredder at my home to destroy mail. I recently become paranoid about identity left after a special on CNN.. but I digress.
This little guy packs a big punch! I have used it to shred whole pieces of mail without even opening them and credit cards. It was able to handle both without any trouble. Due to its small size it isn't great for shredding stacks of paper, so it is better for the once in a while user. I attached some photos to give you a better idea of the size. I give this 5 stars because the manufactures description is spot on and the price-to-value-ratio can’t be beat.
I prefer the small size because I find the big shredders hideous. This I can hide away and bring out when I need it. I posted some pictures of relative size of the shredder. It has a clear bin which shows if it is full. It turns on, but only operates when paper is fed through the slot. It must be folded along the long axis, otherwise it does not fit. I haven't tried to test the full power of this device because I have no need to, I am not bulk shredding. The resulting pieces are nice and small and only the most diligent of criminal would attempt to reconstruct these papers..
In the manual it states that one should "never shred plastic, continuous forms, anything with adhesive including labels and envelopes, newsprint or any hard materials. while this shredder will shred staples, it is recommended that you remove them whenever possible in order to extend the life of your shredder. only shred credit cards by feeding them vertically within the designated area. never feed more than on credit card at a time."
I will update this review as I continue to use this product!
Ok, so I was happy as a lark with this little bad boy until I was reading through some other reviews and saw that other people who ordered this thing got a cleaner and I did not. That annoys me slightly.
Moving right along...
I bought this for home use and because my boss told me to stop using the work shredder for personal use.
First of all, it says right in the description that the mouth is like 4.5 inches wide. I don't know why people were expecting different.
Secondly, if you are worried about the little shreds that get stuck up in it, empty out the bin entirely, then plug it back in and run it backwards and then forward about two or three times. That cleans it right out.
This thing is a little workhorse and so far I'm pretty happy with it. It makes tiny little rectangles, not full strips.
I've not yet had to use it for a card... I may update this if I do.
It’s small, it shreds cross-cut, it’s fairly quiet, it’s cute, it’s not black, it’s inexpensive. I was getting very disappointed at finding only huge ugly expensive black shredders available everywhere, most did not even cross-cut. The handle is a nice bonus. Yes, you have to tear a sheet of paper or fold it like a letter to shove it through but that’s really not a problem, it definitely beats shredding by hand or cutting up junk mail or old credit cards with scissors. Got one for my father too, he stresses a lot over his tons of junk mail and spent hours painstakingly shredding it by hand. He was so pleased with this small shredder. He put it in the guest bathroom downstairs near his desk and it fits perfectly in the corner of the countertop by the sink right next to the power outlet. 👍👍
Update: I didn’t see this noted anywhere (maybe I didn’t look hard enough) - the shredder won’t run unless it’s inside the waste bin, there’s a switch one can probably stick a piece of thin plastic or something into in case the bin breaks. A good safety measure for absent-minded klutzes like me. 😉
I have had this for a month, and purchsed it in spite of quite a few negative reviews because I refuse to spend a fortune on a shredder when all I need it for is credit card junk mail and relatively few banking / confidential documents. It does the job perfectly well. Yes, you should only put in one folded piece of paper at a time (and yes, it has to be folded because the opening is small), but it happily chewed up 30 of these in a row when I was clearing out my desk. Since then, I have used it maybe once or twice a week. The bin is small but perfectly adequate for my needs. Very straightforward to operate. Bottom line - I have found it to be excellent for what it was made for - light home use.
PS, it's now 3 years since I bought this, and since I've just done a major end of year shredding session, I thought I would come back to my review and add that it's still going strong! Terrific little machine.

Feature Product
- Aurora Desktop Style Crosscut Paper Shredder with Basket
- 4.5-inch throat width
- Basket with handle
- 40-sheet basket capacity
- Measures 9 x 7 x 10 inches
Aurora 4-sheet Cross Cut Paper and Credit Card Shredder with Translucent Wastebasket.
If you're looking for a small shredder for light use, this one is well-made and fits perfectly on the corner of a desk. The key words are small and light use. Agree with other reviews that the opening is an odd size - an 8-1/2x11 sheet of paper folded in half is just slightly too big to fit. But it works fine for shredding typical mail folded in thirds. For a few pieces of junk mail a day and the occasional credit card, it's great, since the mail comes pre-folded and I can empty the container every few days. But if you have to shred full-size sheets, or a large volume of mail, I would recommend a standard size shredder.
FANTASTIC! I had been looking for a very small portable shredder to take with me as I travel and work for several months at a time in different locations, and wanted something easy to transport that I could use to shred receipts, mail, and any confidential work docs. Previously, I hand-shredded with a scissors: time-consuming, inefficient and just generally not fun.
My first purchase was this one (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OAWZHES?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00) - which was a great price and the size that I wanted. Unfortunately, it couldn't shred for ****. Literally, struggled even with receipt paper. Envelopes and single sheets of paper, it just gave up.
So I returned that one and got this. And it's awesome. It's a bit larger than I wanted, but it's still small enough to be considered portable. Easily cuts through envelopes and tri-folded paper. Wish I'd purchased this one first!
Comes with a helpful tool to pry any stuck paper out. Only complaint would be that there are 2 pocket compartments on the side, but neither is large enough to fit the power cord, and at the same time are way larger than needed to hold the little prick tool. Would be better to remove entirely to save space, or remove one and have a larger pocket on the other side.
Great value for the price - highly recommend.
Cuts a little bigger than I would prefer but this is perfect to keep in our RV when we head south for the winter. I have it in a closet ready to go but out of sight. When you live in an RV you have to get creative about where you put things. it doesn't take much for our small living space to look cluttery. This shredder is big enough to do the job but small enough to keep out of sight.
This device is pretty great for the cost. It seems well made and even has a reverse feature if something gets stuck. The other thing I like is that it really works hard to unclog itself. The only down sides are that the bucket part is really small, it's only like one foot by one foot in height and length and is probably only about five inches wide. Another thing is that stuffing 'credit card offer' type envelopes into it doesn't work! They will jam! If a sealed envelope has just a couple of pages inside it will be fine but if there's three to four inside an envelope it will most likely get stuck. The good thing though is this machine through flipping from auto and reverse and back again will usually unclog itself pretty easily. I think the main downside is full pages have to be folded because the point of entry is only about 6-7 inches wide so if you don't want to have to fold paper (and it can only take about 3 pages thick at a time) then you might want to upgrade from this device. In other words you can't push a traditional 8x11 piece of paper into the slot, you have to fold it first.
-Compact in size so it easily fit on top of a moderately sized desk.
-Can shred credit cards. Only 1 at a time as suggested or else to motor stalls.
-Cross cuts paper into stirps about 1/4"x1.5" in size.
-Can shred 2 sheets of paper folded in half lengthwise.
-Can shred typical cardboard from shipping box.
Neutral Points:
-Slot size is about 6" in length meaning that a standard sheet of paper must be folded to fit. (Much larger though and you are buying a standard shredder not a mini shredder, depends on the buyer's intent.)
-Can shred its own box!
-Can overheat and temporarily stall motor which requires cooling to work again. (I shredded 3 years of receipts, insurance documents, etc continuously to cause this. Literally hours of shredding nonstop and exploring the limits for this review. So my duty cycle was probably that of a 99th percentile customer.)
-Smaller than desirable waste bin. Have to pitch waste bin contents after 15-25 pages or shredder body will lift itself out of bin.
-Can overheat with continuous borderline abusive use. This is a personal shredder not an industrial shredder. Know your requirements.

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