I love this cacao powder. It's organic, it has a very fine powdered texture and has a really nice cacao flavor to it. I freeze banana chunks on a cookie sheet in the freezer and put them in my NutriBullet with some cacao powder and a handful of cacao nibs. I use almond milk as the liquid and I blend with a drizzle of raw honey until I have banana chocolate ice cream. I crush raw walnuts on top and enjoy. My husband loves this as well. So nutritious! If this review was helpful to you in any way, please let me know by clicking on helpful. Thank you so much!! :)
I've been adding cacao to my coffee and making everything from homemade chocolates and mug-cakes for a while. What initially attracted me to Viva's cacao powder was its price, packaging and being lower in carbs than the one I was using. I'm enjoying the taste of this. It's richly delicious!
Been experimenting more and more with this as well as combining with cocoa too for extra chocolatey goodness. Xylitol brings out the flavor in this more in my perspective, though higher on glycemic index than stevia or erythritol. Overall it's freaking good stuff for relatively low dietary cost.
Basically, subtracting the fiber, it's 2 grams carbs per gram protein and 1/2 gram fat.
The MAIN thing I still use cacao for is my morning coffee, alongside some grass-fed butter and/or coconut oil. Using a small battery powered hand-mixer gets this frothed up to the power packed punch of a coffee shop mocha! It's gotten to the point I can prepare this before fully waking up!
Basic mug-cake with this is 2 tbsp mixed with an egg, couple drops of vanilla, dash of salt, mixed well, adding pinch of baking soda last, then zapping in an oil-sprayed mug or bowl for 1.5 minutes. Play with the measurements, add nuts, etc. It's really not too shabby for a quick cake! Sometimes I find myself bragging to friends I can bake a tasty mocha cake in under two minutes. Because I can :)
Easy to measure, easy to use, rich, smooth, delicious! Large bag so it lasts a while. Then again, I'm determined to create cacao low carb ice cream and will probably go through these a lot quicker LOL
First off, I do not like giving reviews on ANYTHING unless I really like a product. So with that said, here is my personal opinion on this Cacao powder from Viva Labs. Back in October of 2015, I got back into weight training. I was looking for ways to really boost my nutrition and was concerned about trying to get enough fiber, protein, antioxidants, etc from foods that would really be enjoyable to eat so I would be more apt to stay with my new diet. Now, I had began making protein shakes before finding this Cacao but after a while I wanted to add a little variety as far as a different taste, then I came across this product. I had seen it had some great reviews but thought it was nothing more than hype. The price was very affordable so I figured, what the heck. I'll give it a shot. It arrived within several days and I honestly was NOT excited in the least to start using it as I figured "this might be hard to stomach, I hope I don't have to throw it out". So that day I was getting ready to go do my weight routine and I always make a shake to sip on in between my sets. So I made my shake, threw in 2 tablespoons of this Cacao, blended it up and then went out to the garage where my Olympic weight set is and started warming up. I finally got started with my routine and was just about through with my sets from the first exercise and decided to take a sip. Upon taking my first drink I was pleasantly surprised with the taste right from the start! The taste made kicking my own ass with weights totally worth it! I honestly wanted to drink more but decided to sip it slow. When I finally was finished with my routine I had made sure so save at least half of it. So I came inside and sat down and savoured the rest of it while I relaxed and damn! that was the way to finish off a weight routine let me tell you! So thank you Viva Labs for a really amazingly tasty Cacao product! You have made me a believer!
I most definitely will be buying more! Now for those of you who take protein shakes that want to see what I mean about flavour, here is the way I make my shake: 2 cups of NON dairy coco milk, (this can be sweetened or unsweetened but the reason for non dairy as some of you may already know is so the antioxidants can be absorbed in the body whereby if you use dairy the antioxidants will not), 1 scoop of Vanilla muscle milk, 3 tablespoons of hemp protein, 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed, 2 tablespoons of Viva Labs Cacao powder. Blend thoroughly then throw in 3 or 4 ice cubes and reblend for about 30 seconds and BAM!! 40+ grams of protein, 24 grams of fiber with an awesome taste to boot!
So there ya go. Hope you all enjoy that and thank you again Viva Labs!
For those who like to cut to the chase, Viva Labs has become one of my favorite cacao brands. Having eaten raw organic foods and raw organic cacao since 1998, I've tried too many brands of cacao to remember. My current top 2 brands are Heatlhworks and this one, Viva Labs. Compared to the other brands I've tried, these two have a stronger flavor and aroma... and are competitively priced. I usually go back and forth between these 2 brands or choose whichever is priced better.
For those wanting the health benefits of raw cacao, it's important to understand that cacao nibs are used differently than cacao powder. Both of which are very different than chocolate and cocoa (more below). Most people will find the 100% cacao powder more versatile and chef friendly. While the powder can be immediately mixed with most things to give them that delicious chocolate flavor, the nibs are often ground (using a coffee grinder, VitaMix, or Blendtec high speed blender or crushed by hand) or used as a decorative, edible topping. If you are new to using raw cacao, I would recommend going with the powder first and then as you get more daring, using the whole nibs. Nibs are essentially the interior whole pieces of the cacao bean. The powder is only ground nibs.
Raw cacao is not the same as commercial chocolate. 100 years ago, chocolate bars used cacao (ground, heated and melted). But in the last 50 years, things have changed and cacao percentages have dropped steadily. Today some chocolate bars contain zero cacao. The use of cacao is far more expensive than corn, soy and sugar based chemicals and artificial flavors, so commercial brands like Hershey and Mars have changed their recipes. Don't think that you are getting the health benefits of cacao when you buy a commercial chocolate bar or cocoa mix.
For the remainder of this review, I'll provide information about cacao that covers over 3 decades of scientific study on raw cacao.
* * Cacao: the good, the bad, the controversial * *
Cacao is the most controversial superfood on the planet. Rare with over 300 compounds, cacao contains proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and mood-enhancing chemicals that cause the brain to release neurotransmitters. I'll quickly review all of these below. The end result is that cacao not only nourishes the body with necessary nutrients, but it also creates happiness, relaxation and pleasure.
There are several reasons why raw cacoa is considered to be a top superfood by many health experts. Some experts even consider it the #1 superfood. I personally consider one of the best, alongside others like spirulina, chlorella, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, turmeric, ginger, garlic, acai, blueberries, and coconut. In my opinion, there is no "one best". Instead there is a group of wise food choices spanning many different categories of nutrition.
1) Antioxidants
The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) chart ranks raw cocoa at the top of the antioxidant list, having nearly four times as much antioxidants as the number 2 food, goji berries. For some background, the ORAC scale was created by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to measure the effectiveness of antioxidants to absorb free radicals that cause cell and tissue damage. The free radical theory of aging states that organisms age because cells accumulate free radical damage over time. Numerous animal and microorganism studies show the free radicals accelerate the aging process and shorten lifespan. Since raw cacao is loaded with antioxidants, it has become a favorite in the natural health community.
A unique and relevant bit of information about cacao pertains to the world’s oldest human with confirmed records. Jeanne Louise Calment was a French woman who lived to the age of 122. A huge part of her diet was chocolate, of which she consumed 1 kg (2.2 lbs) per week! Some people may write this off as chance, however with all the science on antioxidants and aging, cacao just may be humanity's greatest longevity food.
ORAC scores for the Top 10 Antioxidants Foods (per 100 grams)
1) Raw cocoa powder 95,500
2) Raw cacao nibs 62,100
3) Roasted cocoa powder 26,000
4) Goji berries 25,300
5) Acai berries 18,500
6) Dark chocolate 13,120
7) Milk chocolate 6,740
8) Prunes 5,770
9) Raisins 2,830
10) Blueberries 2,400
2) Minerals
Minerals are a necessary part of nutrition. Minerals not only build bones, they also are a necessary food for all muscle tissue, including the skeletal muscles (biceps, triceps, hamstrings, etc) and organ muscles (stomach, heart, lungs, etc). Cacao contains many important minerals such as iron, zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium and sulfur.
Magnesium is a very difficult mineral to find in a typical diet. Raw cacao contains a lot of magnesium. Magnesium improves our metabolism by muscle and tissue to relax, including the veins and arteries. This improves blood flow, circulation and the transport of oxygen and essential nutrients to the organs. Magnesium is important for strong bones and teeth. It also improves cognitive performance. A diet high in magnesium helps to improve the body’s overall pH through it's alkaline forming property.
Cacao also contains high amounts of other necessary minerals, like chromium, iron, manganese and zinc. Chromium helps to balance blood sugar levels. Iron transports of oxygen in the blood. Manganese assists iron in the formation of hemoglobin, which oxygenates the blood. Zinc is necessary for the immune system. There are other important minerals in cacao that help our organs, brain and immune system to function optimally.
3) Mood Enhancers
Here is where the science supporting cacao consumptions gets a little more tricky.
Cacao contains a few chemicals known to affect our brain's neurotransmitters. Phenylethylamine (PEA) is found in cacao and also is naturally created by the adrenal glands when we're excited. PEA makes a person more alert and focused. It increases the heart rate and gives us a feeling of excitement. When people fall in love, PEA is produced in higher amounts. This is why cacao is often said to mimic the state of falling in love... and why chocolate is given on Valentine's Day.
Another chemical is called anandamide ('ananda' means 'bliss' in Sanskrit). Our body creates this chemical when we feel great, which is why anandamide has been nicknamed "chocolate amphetamine". Anandamide works like a natural amphetamine to increase mood and decrease depression. It is completely legal in this whole food form and is not addictive like caffeine. Anandamine causes changes in blood pressure and blood-sugar level and feelings of excitement and alertness.
There are 2 chemicals in cacao that do, however, raise some possible concern: theobromine and oxalic acid.
Theobromine stimulates the central nervous system and dilates blood vessels. It acts as a stimulant, with about 1/4 of the stimulating power of caffeine. Theobromine is also a mild diuretic (increases urination). Similar to caffeine, theobromine can create a hyperactive feeling, followed by a lethargic crash (similar to caffeine) and it can cause headaches (a common sign of food toxicity).
The issue of caffeine in cacao and chocolate is still debated. Some scientists believe that it is only the theobromine that causes the caffeine-like effects. Others believe that cacao does contain caffeine. Studies by the Chocolate Information Center (yes, there is such a place), sponsored by Mars Inc., state that an average size dark chocolate bar (50 grams) contains be 10- 60 milligrams of caffeine. Compared to the 175 milligrams in an average 150 ml cup of coffee. This is about the same caffeine in a decaffeinated coffee.
The second controversial chemical in cacao is oxalic acid. Oxalic acid interferes with the body's absorption of calcium. Although cacao does contain calcium, it is less than what is needed to counteract the oxalic acid. Make sure your diet is rich in natural sources of calcium.
On a final note, cacao comes from the Theobroma Cacao beans, which means "Food of the Gods". I find this to be interesting considering the anti-aging and mood enhancing effects of the cacao nib.
The Nutrition Action Healthletter (pub. by The Center for Science in the Public Interest) recently drew attention to the results of toxic heavy metal tests (specifically arsenic, lead and cadmium) which were run on cocoa powders late last year by ConsumerLab. The entire report is available at consumerlab.com, but here are the results in brief: all of the cocoa powders tested were contaminated with cadmium and/or lead.
So I asked Viva Lab why their product hadn't been submitted/tested and here is their reply: "We did not submit our product to ConsumerLabs, as each batch of our cacao powder is third-party tested following production. With every batch produced, our cacao powder is not approved until our Quality Assurance technician verifies it is within acceptable limitations for impurities, including heavy metals such as, including cadmium, arsenic, lead, mercury, and aluminum."
Now, the credulous out there may feel sufficiently reassured by this "in-house" and anonymous "third-party" testing to continue using this product. But as someone who has recently discovered upon reading ConsumerLab's report that he had been ingesting 34 times the Canadian limit of cadmium and 58 times the California Prop 65 limit of cadmium (for a warning to be required) on a daily basis for the last three years (using a different cocoa powder product), I have to admit that I'd like a little more, fully-independent confirmation of this product's safety before using it.
For those of you who don't know, cadmium is a toxic, heavy metal, a probable carcinogen, destructive of the kidneys and bone, and accumulates in the body because of its biological half-life in humans of 10 to 35 years.
Here's my thought: If enough people request that Viva Labs submit to testing and ask Consumer Lab to test this product, we may get the assurance we need.
Caveat emptor!

Feature Product
- GUILT-FREE CHOCOLATE EXPERIENCE - cacao powder offers a rich taste and bold chocolate flavor without the unwanted sugars and additives commonly found in processed treats. Bake healthy, yet delicious brownies, cookies and chocolate cake using our high quality cacao.
- HIGHLY PRIZED CRIOLLO BEANS - Viva Naturals Cacao Powder is derived from prized Criollo cacao beans, revered as the highest quality variations of cacao, lacking traditional bitterness and offering exquisite chocolate taste.
- UPLIFTS MOOD AND ELEVATES ENERGY - add cacao to your favorite cup of java for a morning pick-me-up and an immediate boost of energy. Transform ordinary smoothies and shakes into chocolate wonder with heavenly cacao.
- PACKED WITH POWERFUL COMPOUNDS - the antioxidants in cacao offer cellular defense against the effects of free radicals, improving the look of skin and promoting cellular repair and rejuvenation.
- UNREFINED, NON-GMO AND CERTIFIED ORGANIC - unlike traditional cocoa, Viva Naturals Cacao Powder is unprocessed, retaining important nutrients like magnesium, calcium, iron, fiber and protein.
See what our customers are saying!
“Open the bag and breath deep... not too deep, don't want cacao powder up your nose... or, do you? This cacao powder is so delicious in anything you want to make chocolate!”
“It's *LICK THE SPOON* good”
“This stuff is a screaming good deal. It's top-quality cacao with the deep rich flavor of the best beans.”
What is Cacao?
Revered for its natural energizing and wholesome properties, cacao powder is renowned as one of the world's most powerful superfoods. Viva Naturals Organic Cacao Powder instantly transforms desserts, smoothies and other treats into guilt-free bliss.
Why Choose Viva Naturals Organic Cacao Powder
A study published by the American Heart Association compared the flavonoid content of several different foods, including tea, fruits and vegetables. Cacao exhibited almost 8 times the amount of flavonoids as black tea, in addition to surpassing all other foods studied.
Unlike conventional cocoa powder or chocolate, cacao powder is unprocessed and contains no added sugars, retaining its full-bodied nutrition profile. Our cacao powder is produced at low temperatures to ensure an unaltered organic product.
The Viva Naturals Difference
To preserve its flavor and maximum nutritional value, our cacao powder is made from premium organic unroasted cacao beans harvested in the warm, climate regions of Peru. Criollo beans are one of three variations of cacao, recognizably the purest and rarest beans, hailed for their delectable chocolate flavor and aroma. These prized beans are carefully pressed and ground into a cake-like paste and slowly grinded into a fine, delicate powder at low temperatures releasing the flavorful precursors of luscious chocolate. Viva Naturals Organic Cacao Powder is Non-GMO Project Certified and is sustainably sourced in accordance with fair trade practices.
Decent cocoa powder. It's not groundbreaking but it does the job. Two notes:
It's raw, not dutched (processed with alkali) so you won't get the fudgier flavor that comes with dutched cocoa. Some say that dutched cocoa has a "deeper" and "darker" flavor, probably because they relate the darker color of dutched cocoa with dark chocolate. However, both types are pure cocoa, so that doesn't mean anything. In reality, raw cocoa should have a brighter, fruitier, and more acidic flavor than dutched cocoa. I find this to be a good raw cocoa. I use it in baking, smoothies, and yogurt, often paired with some Rodelle's dutched cocoa to round out the cocoa flavors.
Secondly, it is very clumpy. There are big (and small) chunks of cocoa that have stuck together throughout when you open the package. I have found that I NEED to sift this cocoa before using it, or it will have many tiny dry clumps throughout the recipe. Even in smoothies sometimes. So make sure to sift it with a fine strainer into yogurt, batters, icings, or anything. This is an easy process, but just a little annoying because it's an extra step.
This is the best cocoa powder I've ever tasted, much richer chocolate flavor than any grocery store brand. I use it for baking brownies, cakes, making pudding, icing/frosting, fudge, and, of course, hot chocolate. Even in the summer I make cocoa with cold milk for 'chocolate milk' for the grandkids. This is my second package of Viva Naturals Cacao and it is fresh and stays that way in the sturdy bag it comes in. Now to use up my grocery store brand so I can use this great cocoa exclusively. And, no, I wasn't given a free bag or paid for my comments - I appreciate reviews of 'new-to-me' items on Amazon as it helps in choosing a quality product. So in the interests of fellow discerning shoppers I wrote about cocoa today!
This cocoa has a rich flavor without harshness. The mouth feel is very elegant and luxurious. The flavor is lively and savory. I put a teaspoon of this into a cup of hot milk together with some sweetener and mixed it with a hand blender which turned into an excellent home made hot chocolate.
Just purchased my second bag. I use it to make hot cocoa, smoothies,or put a teaspoon in home brewed coffee to make cafe mocha. I also use it to make chocolate "ice cream" using just the cocoa, frozen bananas and a nut milk. Great taste. Like all pure cocoas, to make hot cocoa, you need to mix it with about a 1/4 cup more or less of very hot water then add the hot milk. (I add cold milk and put it in the microwave). If you just add the cocoa to hot or cold milk the cocoa won't dissolve completely.
This stuff is great. I LOVE how big the bag is. I was buying Cacao powder from Whole Foods and Mollie Stones before and just could barely justify the price per ounce. But this is awesome! Tastes just as good, and I don't have to worry about giving myself skimpy servings.
I use this 99% of the time in my smoothies (Banana, Strawberries, Hemp, Cacao, Almond Butter, and Chia with Almond Milk). But sometimes I'll bake it into some muffins (chocolate zucchini bread!) and it's great too.
I've seen some people have had bad luck with their bag being cut, mine came totally intact though, and it looks like Viva Labs is very responsive when it comes to something like that. A+ customer service. :)

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