I am on the Keto diet and tried to make home made iced cream with Stevia because my local grocery store did not carry Erythritol. It was terrible. It had an awful, strong taste of artificial sweetener. I ended up throwing it away.
I decided to give the recipe another shot so I came on Amazon and ordered some Erythritol. When it was delivered I could immediately tell the difference as the bag was much heavier than Splenda or Stevia and had the same feel as sugar. I took a taste and was pleasantly surprised. It has a similar density, texture as sugar. Most importantly it tastes like sugar without a hint of tasting artificial or aftertaste. I loaded the ingredients back into my iced cream maker and wow, the results were fantastic. I had a couple of other people taste the iced cream and they couldn't tell that it wasn't made with regular sugar. They also thought, like I did, that the plain crystals tasted just like sugar.... I will definitely purchase again!
I'd only mirror the comments on good taste and how to use it. So my contribution is to illustrate the serving size. 100 grams is a little shy of 1/2 cup. With 11 servings in the package, that is roughly 5 1/2 cups.
How do you review food? It’s so subjective. I did find info that this is 70% the sweetness of sugar. True. I like the resealable bag. I love the bag in general, the verbiage in it is simple and clear. The granules dissolve well. Made is the USA. Also, I researched it and shopped for the best price and this was it, at the time. I’m sure prices change all the time.
I have been on the Keto diet for a while. and that means giving up sugar. its hard enough to do never mind trying to find a sweet substitute all of them leave a bad aftertaste or just to find a "sugar" that is good is really difficult.... WELL I FOUND IT... this is grandular and great . my boyfriend even accidently used it and said he thought it was regular sugar he just needed to use more than he does regular sugar but he didnt even know the difference!! i cant live without this stuff!!
While I don't relish the idea of using alternative sweeteners, I have a major sweet tooth and would prefer to stay away from most chemical cocktails like aspartame while reducing my actual sugar intake. This fit the bill quite well, and I like the idea they test each batch. I used this for baking, iced tea and lemonade with good results. I mix 1 cup erythritol with 1 teaspoon powdered stevia, grind it into a powder and then use it 1:3 in place of sugar. The stevia and grinding help reduce the cooling effect of the erythritol, while the erythritol greatly minimizes the after taste of the stevia. This combination of erythritol and stevia also makes it a better value for the money.

Feature Product
- Premium Non-GMO Natural Erythritol Granular Sweetener
- 70% as Sweet as Table Sugar with Virtually Zero Calories
- Batch Tested and Verified Gluten-Free and Sulphur Dioxide Free
- Low Glycemic Impact, Pure and Non-Blended in a 2.5lb Resealable Bag
- 2.5lb bag of Erythritol Granules in Resealable Bag
Anthony's Erythritol Granules (Crystalline) offers a simple solution for both health and indulgence. Domestically sourced, our Erythritol is 70% as sweet as table sugar, yet contains virtually no calories. Additionally, Erythritol has the highest digestive tolerance compared to other polyol sweeteners.
Erythritol is a type of sugar alcohol. Sugar alcohols, also called polyols, are sugar substitutes that occur naturally in plants and starches. Anthony's Erythritol is derived from cane sugar. To extract our pure Erythritol Granules, cane sugar is mixed with water and then fermented with natural cultures which results in Erythritol. The Erythritol is then filtered, crystallized, and then dried into granules.
On a semi-side note, we would like to take a moment to recognize some great inventions. First off, waterproofing - For eons we have battled water, and it wasn't until 1862 when we were finally relieved of water's treachery. Second, carbon air filters and respirators - Whew! What a breath of fresh of air these puppies provided circa 1867. Third, dyeing - Because easter eggs aren't going to bling themselves. Thanks 1856. What do all these have in common, you ask? Yep, they were all invented by the same British Chap, John Stenhouse. And guess what else Sir Stenhouse discovered? Yep, you guessed it again, Erythritol!
Anthony's Erythritol is not genetically modified, does not contain any genetically modified proteins, and is Batch Tested and Verified Gluten-Free.
Anthony's Erythritol is Non-GMO, as it is derived from non-genetically modified Cane Sugar.Erythritol is not quite as sweet as sugar, and if you use too much, it gives you a cooling sensation, kind of like you get with mint. It doesn't have any flavor or aftertaste. It it not calorie free, but it's something like 0.2 calories per gram, which Wiki pedia says is 95% less than sugar. It doesn't affect blood sugar or hurt your teeth. (Actually, the Wiki is pretty interesting - you should read it!) Because of the cooling sensation, you shouldn't use only this to make cookies, but you can replace some of the sugar with erythritol. I put about a half teaspoon of this in my coffee in the morning, which is enough to bring out the flavor without making it sweet. I also replace about 25% of the sugar when baking with this. It cuts a couple of calories and doesn't taste weird.
I like erythritiol. By itself the flavor is less sweet than table sugar and has an "off" flavor. However, mixed with sacharrin it has a taste and sweetness very similar to sugar. Truvia is a combination of stevia extract and erythritol but has a strong vanilla flavor. The erythritol/sacharrin blend is neutral. The other sweeteners (aspertame, assulfame K, sucrolose) all seem to give me problems and do so for others as well. Neither sacharrin nor erythritol are thought to pose any hazard nor does my body complain. Note: there is no warning label on sacharrin anymore. The only animal for which it was found to cause cancer is male rats. No other species nor female rats are effected. Saccharin doe, like other artificial sweeteners, adversely effects your microbiome. So use sparingly.
Erythritol is a 'sugar alcohol' (not really an alcohol but named so because of its molecular structure). The other sugar alcohols do not get absorbed into the body and pass right through. Although humans cannot digest sugar alcohols, bacteria can. This is why sugar alcohols cause diarrhea in larger quantities. Just like those who cannot digest lactose, the little buggers go to town on the unabsorbed carbohydrate. Erythritol does get absorbed and thus does not pose a GI problem. The body absorbs erythritol but does not metabolize it. The kidneys remove it unchanged with no effect on blood sugar. (Presumably you could process your urine and use it again.)
I use this for a lot of my keto/low-carb baking and such. Great price and quality product. I used this to make a low carb toffee and it came out sooooo good!
So...if you’re looking for sugar this is not it. But if you are trying to lose weight with a low carb/Keto diet, this stuff is perfect. It doesn’t really dissolve in liquid very well but baking with it is just fine. Putting it in coffee is kinda gross...but putting it in something baked is just right. Don’t even try to sweeten your iced tea. Just don’t. But if you need a cup of sugar for cookies? Go for it! It’s great!
I loved Erythritol, first time trying it. I have been using truvia for a couple years now, and decided to give it a try! I am glad I did it!!! It has a very yummy sugary taste without the calories. Wonderful for my baking needs!!!

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