It is WAY too sweet and I would ask the company to not put sugar in their product. If I want sugar I will add it myself which I would not because The whole point of trying to eat healthy is to NOT EAT SUGAR! I put this in my smoothies for the peanut butter flavor and the protein with less fat.
This is AMAZING!!! I can't believe that we waited this long to try it. Once you add water to it it taste exactly like peanut butter should... smooth, creamy, and decadently rich. If you are wondering if you can put it on toast, the answer is yes, it is not just for smoothies.... can you make PB&J sandwiches?... absolutely!!! It also works great on sauces.
One thing that surprised me was that it is just as filling as regular peanut butter. I have a slice of bread every morning and that usually holds me for about four hours. I thought that removing the fat would change that, but I'm happy to report that the protein on it is enough.
I will never go back to regular peanut butter.
I stopped eating peanut butter about a year and a half ago because the fat content and sugar was so high. I eat a low carb and low sugar diet. However, I always missed peanut butter! I saw peanut butter powder in the stores a few months ago, but never really thought to try it and frankly it scared me a little. After seeing it again in the store, I decided to research it on the Amazon and see what other people had to say about it. The reviews were awesome, so I had to try it for myself. I am glad I did. I was pleasantly surprised and thought it tasted like the real thing. Now, I can have my peanut butter daily again. I also checked with my medical weight loss doctor and they approved it. They were impressed with the contents and it will count toward my healthy fats. YAY!!! I am going to try the chocolate version next. Maybe I can mock the flavors of a peanut butter cup. :)
I've tried many powdered peanut butter brands. This one is far superior! It has a real peanut butter taste....even has a real peanut butter fragrance!!!! I bought this as I felt over 2,000 people couldn't be wrong. Well they are not. I won't be trying any other brands in the future as this is the only brand I will be buying.
It is 20 calories more than most I have tried, but the taste is worth the caloric increase.
If you are on the fence, go for it.....it's deeeeeeelish!
This PB powder is so ridiculously yummy! I like the "organic PB" because peanut farmers use a lot of chemical sprays on peanuts unless you order organic. You put a tiny bit of water in 2 Tbsps of PB powder and it makes the best low-fat peanut butter for your PB sandwich. If our kids ate this way it would be ideal as a school lunch.

Feature Product
- PROTEIN POWER: With 8g of protein in one serving of Organic PBfit, you can get a boost of protein right after your workout at the gym. Try adding it to the protein powder you already use or add it to your breakfast smoothie for a delicious protein boost. Great for men and women.
- SIMPLE INGREDIENTS: Organic PBfit is made with 3 simple ingredients: organic peanuts, organic coconut palm sugar, and salt. It's all-natural and gluten-free! It's just pure, delicious, peanut butter flavor in a reduced-fat powder.
- DELICIOUSNESS DEFINED: For a tasty, reduced-fat peanut butter spread, mix 2 tbsp. of dry Organic PBfit with 1.5 tbsp. of water. Blend until smooth, and spread anywhere you would put regular peanut butter!
- BLEND, BAKE, OR SHAKE: When it comes to the uses for PBfit, the possibilities are endless! Mix into baked goods like bread, pancakes, waffles, and cookies to add a great peanut butter flavor. You can also blend it into breakfast smoothies and other drinks for a tasty, low-fat protein boost after the gym! Great for men and women!
- SAME GREAT TASTE: Due to new FDA guidelines on serving sizes, one serving of Organic PBfit is now updated from 12g to 16g. It now contains 8g of protein, has 70 calories, and has 87% less fat than 1 serving of traditional peanut butter. Our PBfit recipe remains the same!
People go nuts for Organic PBfit and here’s why: they don’t expect it to taste as good as regular peanut butter. So when it does, they get super excited, even a bit obsessed. Imagine snacking on peanut butter that has about one-third the calories and 87% less fat than other peanut butter. That means guilt-free smoothies, peanut butter dips, oatmeal — you get the idea. It’s your new non-guilty pleasure. Organic PBfit is made by gently roasting peanuts and then pressing the peanuts to extract the majority of the oil from those peanuts. This process reduces the unnecessary fats that are found in regular peanut butters, but it still leaves a delicious, low-fat peanut butter powder that is chock full of flavor. For a low-fat peanut butter spread, mix 2 tablespoons of dry Organic PBfit with 1.5 tablespoons of water. As a powder, it blends easily when making post-workout smoothies, pancakes, waffles, and shakes of all kinds! Organic PBfit is packaged at BetterBody Foods' world headquarters in Lindon, Utah.
Way over priced. I love the product but I now purchase the same product at Costco for $11.99.....
As a kid I hated peanut butter, would not eat P & J, only jelly. Purchased this to put into my protein drinks to help the Bla flavor, it’s SO delicious! Seriously I think I have a problem as I go through 2 to 3 jars of this a month!
Breakfast protein smoothies with this are swesome! It helps mock the green superfoods blah taste and holds me over till lunch.
Lunch, haha I’ll make a bowl of this, break up my Belveta Protein bar in small bites and toss in the peanut butter! It’s super filling, healthy and so good!
Best of all.....I’ve been treating myself, eating this for months and LOST weight!
PBfit needs to send me free supplies! I’ve turned so many people onto this product. I can’t stop talking/advertising to friends. Their sales have got to be UP :))
So Yum! I love making a quarter cup of this at the end of the night for a 100 calorie guilt free snack. It's the perfect way to not binge in the evening cause the protein satiates your hunger. I recommend tossing a dash of cinnamon in for when you need a little extra warmth in the snack.
I'm so satisfied with this product but it is sweeter than I thought it would be ... but maybe I'm just used to my other natural peanut butters that are literally just peanuts and salt
I subtract 30g from a serving of Soylent and replace it with 30g of PBFit. The caloric profile is almost exactly the same (within a few cal) and the addition of the PBFit reduces the amount of carbs and increases the protein macronurients. Additionally, this helps extend the time needed between reordering Soylent, giving me an "extra" 5 meals between every 2 bags.
If thats all that it did, this product would be satisfactory to me, HOWEVER the taste of PBFit goes so well with the cocoa flavor that it is hands down my favorite meal replacement at this time.
There's an empty container of this sitting in my to remind me of what I did and why I have to wait until I purchase my next one. As anyone who has dieted probably knows, peanut butter literally becomes the most amazing thing on the planet when you are dieting. If you liked peanut butter before, now you would willingly eat a whole jar in one sitting without a second thought. That became my dilemma as I love using peanut butter as a substitute for regular butter in a lot of cooking, but I would eat the jars so fast that I couldn't reasonably sustain my addiction. I made a promise to myself that I would only ever use peanut butter in cooking/meals and never eat it straight from the jar like I had been to avoid going overboard. Fast forward to finally taking the plunge into peanut butter powders and I was in heaven. I could eat so much and mentally justify it because it was a lot of protein with not as many calories and so sometimes in a rush I would just pack some peanut butter powder as a quick snack. I'm used to eating weird things with a spoon in public so no concerns there, it was just an easy snack. After the first time of eating a whole small jar in a day, I got myself under control and started limit the ways I could intake peanut butter powder much like I did peanut butter. I would put it in my coffee or in smoothies/protein shakes and try to avoid eating it straight without good reason. I was mostly successful until I got down to about a third of the big PBFit jar left. It was a rough week, and something in the back of my mind screamed at me to eat some pbfit. I ate a little, cleaned up and left the kitchen. Then again the voice yelled "EAT MORE". I don't know why but I listened to it and keep eating and eating and eating until the jar was entirely empty and I felt so much pain like I was going to explode. After finishing the jar, the voice asked me to eat some of the regular peanut butter I had, and I did. Just a spoonful, and then I stopped. I didn't need to eat the whole jar of regular peanut butter anymore. Pbfit cured my addiction by giving me a new, more justifiable one. Ever since that day I have yet to order another PBFit in order to give my body some rest time to hopefully think about what I did, but I have noticed myself eating more and more regular peanut butter slowly. I started out licking the spoon while making a snack, then getting an extra spoonful, then making the snack just a spoonful of peanut butter... Maybe PBfit can be evil as well, but it controls the evil that is peanut butter addiction.

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