All I can really say about this is my 35 pound, orange tabby kitty cat absolutely loves Gerber Baby Food Ham! I bought it for him for a treat once and he learned to audibly say the word "HAM" with that first meal. I'm a vegetarian and I don't have children but I have a orange kitty that will tell you this is the best stuff he's every eaten!
This is good to get medication down the cat. Note: It is not the primary food that I give my cats. My cats mostly eat cat foods that have the right nutrients for them. This should not be something you give to your cat instead of cat food. But my vet suggested baby food for helping to get medication down the cat -and it works great. My cat eats the baby food with medication, no problem.
"Kitty crack," as this food is affectionately known, is excellent for encouraging shy young kittens to warm up to you. The Gerber 2nd foods that only include meat and corn starch are all excellent for this purpose, but turkey seems to be a crowd favorite. It's also excellent for encouraging finicky cats to eat.
If you feed an entire bottle to your cat, beware of liquid poo.
Baby Food is not just for babies. I'm a senior citizen, and I can't always make it to the store. These jars are so handy, and it's just enough food to keep your stomach satisfied. I've eaten these Gerber meats for years. It makes life simpler when Amazon delivers these to your door.
As per our vet's instructions, we bought a lot of this for syringe feeding our sick and anorexic cat. But try to only use it as a supplement – baby food is not enough nutrition for daily feeding. You might want to try pureeing regular cat food with a bit of water and see if your kitty takes to that, or mixing the puree with the baby food. Good luck!

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Gerber 2nd Foods Meats
Meat and poultry are among the best food sources of zinc in a baby's diet and the iron they contain is readily used by the body.
This stuff is good for getting cats to take their medicine--cover the medicine in this baby food and there's a good chance that the cat will eat it--
This is sometimes the only thing my elderly cat will eat. Approved by the vet.
This stuff is irresistible to cats. I used it to catch and socialize some 14-week-old semi-feral kittens. I put it in the traps, and caught most of them the first night. Of course at first, they trembled in fear whenever they saw me. I put this stuff on my fingers, and they licked it off in spite of their fear. Within days, they were purring, while being pet, without any food incentive. This stuff helped them associate human hands with the pleasure of food. I highly recommend it if you're trying to make friends with a new or unsociable cat. Be careful when buying baby food for cats. This stuff is pretty much just water and chicken, but some other ones have ingredients like onion, which is bad for kitties.
This is the one of only soft foods my elderly cat can eat without throwing up! I tried numerous brands of soft cat food, but it either bothered his sensitive stomach or he just didn't like it. The baby food however, is really good for him. He loves it! I opened it up and he ate it right away. I will tell you, it does smell like cat food. I don't think i'd give this kind to a baby, but to cats and dogs.
The chicken and gravy baby food is very pungent and great for hiding the smell and taste of medications for my cats. I have several elderly cats who get arthritis meds each morning. I mix the powder medication with the baby food and they eat all of it. I am also the caretaker of a feral cat colony and neighborhood stray cats. When I see very ill cats and cats with infections from wounds (usually from bites), I crush antibiotics and mix it with the baby food to help them out. I would strongly recommend this product.

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