I love this stuff. I could seriously go through about a pack a week if my cardiologist wouldn't have a heart attack (see what I did there? ;-) ha ha ha)
It is intensely flavorful. I enjoy it with Mexican cuisine, as well as seafood. It is wonderful in certain "salty" drinks. It is excellent as a seasoning for snacks like popcorn or baked crispy chickpeas. I tend to be very, very bad though and just eat it by itself. It's that good.
Try it, you'll like it :-D
Great by itself, but really shines on all sorts of fruits (especially watermelon), and makes eating my veggies a pleasure rather than a chore. I always keep this on hand, as well as their dill pickle version. Ideal for salting popcorn.
These are usually sold in convenience stores around me for $6 each. I bough this pack and it is the exact same thing. It is definitely more twangy than salty so if you are looking for salty, there are other ones that are saltier. If you are looking for the Lemon/Lime kick, this is the stuff. Don't get me wrong, it still has the salty flavor, it's just not overbearingly salty.
Grew up on this stuff. This is a great value if you are actually going to use this salt a lot. I put it on all sorts of stuff including salads but one of my favorite things to put it on is popcorn when I am at work since we have a popcorn machine. The other flavors are good but I like this the most. I even like to throw it on top of actual pickles in small amounts.
I am seriously addicted to TWANG - I became obsessed with it when I discovered it over 10 years ago. I use it on many different things - but my main use is lemons. I crave sour like many crave chocolate or other sweets - I have eaten lemons since I was a small child and once I tasted lemons with TWANG I could never go back to eating them without it!! I got tired of trying to find places that would have it permanently stocked - so I decided to try online - you can't beat the delivery time or the price. I have been ordering it for years and have never had any problems. So happy I can have it any time I want it!!

Feature Product
- Contains 20 shakers of Mango Chili in two trays, 10 shakers to each tray.
- FIRE UP THE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING: Fire up the flavor of your favorite entrees, add some oomph to your snacks, or enjoy it by itself
- CONVENIENT: The 1 gram packets are the perfect grab-n-go size.
- MADE IN THE U.S.A.: With our manufacturing facility based in San Antonio, Texas, you can rest assured knowing you are receiving a high quality, one-of-a-kind product.
Twangerz Snack Toppings are bold-flavored salt blends that are the perfect match to any snacks or delicious eaten by themselves. The perfect grab-n-go product. Ideal add-on to snacks such as popcorn, chips, pickles, fruit, veggies, or trail mix.
I LOVE Twang. I had never heard of it before but one year while down south at a relatives house they decided to make some guacamole... and they pulled out little packets of the Twang... it was love at first sight. They gave us some and we brought it back to Michigan.. but when we got back here we could not locate it any of the stores, so I ordered on line in volume. I can't imagine being without this.. it is great with mexican food... but also fabulous on sliced tomatoes or cukes and if I make lemon chicken, I sprinkle it on the chicken also. It is a good purchase and the only negative that I can think of, is that you must make sure you snap that lid closed all the way so moisture does not get into the jar. Or buy Twang in the packets.
A friend introduced me to this salt when I was drinking coronas in New Orleans. They don't sell it in my local area, so I ordered a pack & have been happily enjoying cold coronas and salt on hot summer days.
I just love this powder OMG seriously its so good. I put it in a mix with mexican powder and lime salt with splendid so i can pour it into my bottles of Peloneta del puesto(Cucumber candy) with lollipop. Just try this with different things, you may fall in love with it.
I'm addicted to this stuff. Makes cheap mass produced beer taste good. If you atv ride you know you can't put bottles of your homebrew (or any longnecks) in an ice chest and expect to have any not blow their top by the time you are ready for one. This makes the swill from the gas station drinkable. It's great on food too.
Love this stuff. The only problem I have is that after they open they start to clump. I haven’t tried the rice in the bottle yet but I think that will help.

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